
Integration method functions require the preprocessed anndata object (here adata) and the name of the batch column in adata.obs (here 'batch'). The methods can be called using the following, where <method> is the name of the integration method.

scib.ig.<method>(adata, batch='batch')

For example, in order to run Scanorama, on a dataset, call:

scib.ig.scanorama(adata, batch='batch')


The following notation is deprecated.<method>(adata, batch='batch')

Please use the snake_case naming without the run prefix.

Some integration methods (e.g. scgen(), scanvi()) also use cell type labels as input. For these, you need to additionally provide the corresponding label column of adata.obs (here cell_type).

scib.ig.scgen(adata, batch='batch', cell_type ='cell_type')
scib.ig.scanvi(adata, batch='batch', labels ='cell_type')


bbknn(adata, batch[, hvg])

BBKNN wrapper function

combat(adata, batch)

ComBat wrapper function (scanpy implementation)

desc(adata, batch[, res, ncores, tmp_dir, ...])

DESC wrapper function

mnn(adata, batch[, hvg])

MNN wrapper function (mnnpy implementation)

saucie(adata, batch)

SAUCIE wrapper function

scanorama(adata, batch[, hvg])

Scanorama wrapper function

scanvi(adata, batch, labels)

scANVI wrapper function

scgen(adata, batch, cell_type[, epochs, ...])

scGen wrapper function

scvi(adata, batch[, hvg])

scVI wrapper function

trvae(adata, batch[, hvg])

trVAE wrapper function

trvaep(adata, batch[, hvg])

trVAE wrapper function (pytorch implementatioon)